

  • Christa 1st Place Age Group at West Neck 2 Mile Swim
  • Deepak at Quassy Olympic Distance
  • Deepak and Daughter Syracuse 70.3
  • Ironman Austria
  • Deepak Syracuse 70.3 Run
  • Deepak Syracuse 70.3 T1
  • Christa 2nd Place Age Group at Palisades half Marathon
  • Deepak Syracuse 70.3 T1
  • Johnny on the bike at Mossman
  • Noah at New Jersey Ultra Festival 50K
  • Peter at Quassy Half Ironman
  • Susan at Training weekend in Lake Placid
  • Training Weekend
  • Training weekend 2
  • Jose at Battenkill
  • Jose and his kids racing a 5K
  • Noah and Irene at the 50K
  • Jose training at Harriman
  • Kelly at Hyner
  • Pamanouk 70K Trail Run
  • Susan, George and myself at the Hecksher Intervals
  • Deepak and his daughter at Syracuse 70.3