Blog 2018

Finding Motivation after the Off-Season

Posted On: December 05, 2018

I’ve always taken an “off season”. I think it’s important to take time after the season to relax a bit and allow yourself the freedom of not adhering to a strict training schedule. I encourage my athletes to do the same. Even when I raced Professionally I would take 6-8 weeks of “just doing what I like". This is NOT a time to take off from all activity completely!  I see athletes that go from Ironman to absolutely nothing for months on end. This is not the idea of what an off season should be.  Instead it should be a time where you stay fit but at a less intense, more relaxed fashion. It’s a great time to try other activities that you may not have had time to do during the season, like yoga, surfing, skiing, climbing, trail running, mountain biking etc.  Unstructured swim, bike, and run sessions  are important to keep up as well.  Remember that consistency is very important when it comes to triathlon.  There is no magic when it comes to this.  Consistency is key to success!  Ceasing to do an activity, other than when you are injured and need the recovery, is NOT recommended.  It’s also a great time to reflect on the past season. Write down what went great and what didn’t. Sit down with your coach and decide what needs to be improved upon. Also, it’s a time to find your passion for the next season. I find that this is the difficulty that many athletes have after a big season has finished. Finding the passion or goal for the upcoming season can be difficult. Many get PIMB “Post Ironman Blues”. It’s hard to get the motivation for the upcoming season if you just accomplished the goal of completing an Ironman, something you had been focusing on for a year or even more!  It can be a let down.  Giving yourself time to reflect upon your past season and giving yourself time to think of another goal that provides a spark of excitement is what the off season is great for...


Finding your new goal is crucial for success for the upcoming season. If Ironman was your main focus last season, maybe your goal for the upcoming season is to get faster in a 70.3, or maybe your goal to podium in local races or to get stronger on the bike. Or maybe this season will be your first Ironman, and if that’s the case than your season should certainly be starting up soon!

Looking at the season from December to September/October can be daunting and long, so I find that breaking it up into 2 seasons is a bit more palatable. Find an “A” race in the summer and possibly another in the fall. This breaks up the season into 2 parts:  Part 1)  December to June/July for “A” race #1 and then a nice recovery period, then Part 2)  June/July-Sept/Oct/November for “A” race #2.  


Training can be tough in the winter months. Motivation is at its lowest and training solo can be boring. SO, find people to train with! The Iron Fit Endurance group has started up Saturday trail runs.  They have been so much more fun than heading out solo and its a great time for people of all abilities to train together. Programs like Zwift are fantastic for a great quality workout but getting together with others on a mild day for an outside ride, or an inside studio ride is great to sprinkle in too.  There's nothing like companionship to spark the motivation and excitement for the upcoming season.

Swimming is a great focus this time of year and getting in with a Masters group is motivating and fun compared to a solo swim. Also, strength training is a great focus this time of year and doing it with others is easy to coordinate and more motivating. I call group workouts “free workouts”. You just have to get yourself there and you have a great workout to look forward to. It requires very little inner motivation and will-power like a solo workout can require. If you need motivation, then do your best to recruit others or join groups when you can. The season will be here before we know it. This is the time to get your self physically and mentally prepared for the training ahead!  Find your motivation and purpose now and the rest will fall into place!

Happy Training and racing!

Dee :-)





The Sport I Love...

Posted On: October 04, 2018

Since my last blog in June my group of athletes has had an incredible season... probably the best since I started Iron Fit Endurance back in 2014.  As I reflect through my 21 years in this sport I realize how much triathlon as given me and how much my role in this sport has changed.  I started as a young competitive age grouper at the age of 21, then turned I turned Pro at 30.  At 37, after coaching for a while already, I started my coaching business “Iron Fit Endurance”.  My coaching has become such a joy to me that far surpasses the joys I had as an athlete…I am amazed at how much I get out of it on a personal level, aside from a professional level.  The friends I’ve made, the satisfaction I get from teaching and helping others in the sport that is a huge part of who I am. 

As I waited on the waters edge, competing in Ironman Maryland this past weekend, I reflected on the past 21 years.  I started that swim with a smile on my face, “I love this sport!” I said to myself as I swam, thinking of the people that have touched my life along my journey.  I can honestly say that this is the best place I have ever been in in this sport, now at 41 years old giving back to others and racing because I love it.  I still have that competitive edge, but I realize now that it’s so much more than that!

I’ll start my summer recap with this past weekend at Ironman Maryland.  After qualifying for Kona in 2016 and not being able to race in 2017 due to injury my goal for this season was another Kona slot for 2019.  This is no easy feat.  The competition has gotten fierce and getting a slot is not something you can ever take for granted! 

This race ended up being particularly special for me for many reasons.  One of which was a special friend who I had the pleasure to train and race with.  After his race in Ironman Lake Placid Bob Spina did not feel satisfied, so he decided to enter Ironman Maryland with only a few of us knowing…he wanted to see how the training and recovery went first, so we kept it quiet. 

Bob Spina races for LITC and I have known him for a very long time.  He is a major talent.  Training with him this year has been incredible for me as well as for my athletes.  Not only are Bob and I closely matched in all 3 sports, but his enthusiasm is infectious, and he has touched many of us with his positivity.

We travelled down and shared a house with Leah Jantzen a newbie triathlete and a huge talent who I have the pleasure to coach, as well as one of my oldest friends Erin Miller, who I also coach.  What an incredible weekend!  I felt so blessed this weekend to be surrounded by these wonderful people as well as my good friends and athletes, Scott Janicola (A.K.A. OCDAR) and Mike Mancini (A.K.A. TOOLBOX) who surprised us!  George and my parents also made the trip down which I am so grateful for…the support I get from the three of them gives me a daily reminder just how lucky I am in my life.  Being surrounded by all these special people made the weekend one of the best that I can remember in my Ironman career. 

For both Bob and I this was number 17 and it did not disappoint!  I finished 3rd in my age group, 8th overall woman and I was thrilled.  I was beaten handily by two talented women, but I knew I finished this race giving it all I had on that day, so I was beyond satisfied

Bob Spina had the race of his life posting his 2nd best time (at the age off 55) and smashing his age group with a victory of over 15 minutes!  The picture below captures how excited we were to find out he won his age group:

Leah Jantzen did not surprise me at all with her incredible race.  There was no doubt in my mind that this woman was going to race well, but 6th in her age group with a time way below what I estimated for her was even more amazing than I imagined! 

Erin Miller also had an incredible race with a PR run and a PR race!  Here she is with her dad:

The weekend was topped off with a Kona slot for both Bobby and I, which was the cherry on top!  We will be travelling to Kona for the World Championships again next October!

Here’s an update on the rest of my athletes since June!

Dean Bruno had a PR race in IMLP which included a harder bike course and wicked weather!  He'll be back again next year and I have no doubt he'll finish even stronger!

John Burgess (JB) had a rocking season in the aqua bike improving as he goes, which is something he always focuses on.  His season will culminate in November at nationals!

Joann Camhi worked so hard and tackle IM Atlantic City 70.3.  She was pulled off the course with 3 miles to go on a rainy, cold bike course.  I am so proud of how far she has come as an athlete and am looking forward to her coming across the finish line at IM Maine 70.3 2019!  Here she is with Dale before the race as well as Sal and Darlene getting ready to support!  

Christa and her husband Kevin joined us this year for the IFE World Championships!  Christa is a 2-time Ironman and I am always so happy to have her part of my group.

What’s the IFE World Championships, you ask? 

Well, it’s is a great way for the team to get together and compete and this year was a hit!  This year was the 2nd Annual Iron Fit Endurance World Championships and we had Shayne Lewis finish 1st, Bobby Spina took 2nd and Scott Janicola took 3rd!

Laura Giardino had a fantastic season of racing at Jamesport, Smith Point as well as running races that concluded at the Hamptons Half Marathon!  She always finishes 1st and 2nd in her age group!  here's a picture of her rocking as well as a shot of her and Hilary!

I had the pleasure of heading up to Ironman Mont Tremblant to spectate this year…  What a THRILL is was to watch every single athlete that I coach EXCEL on the course!  It’s a day I will not forget! 

Scott Janicola (OCDAR) posted a PR run and a smoking fast time.  This one was dedicated to his family:

Michael Mancini (TOOLBOX) made his fist IM finish look easy.  He's gotten better and better each year and this was a testament to that:

Mary Beth Lichtneger rocked the course with an over 1 hour Ironman PR:

Katelyn Hughes had an amazing race (her first ironman) less than two years after a hip replacement:

Sal Scilingo also had an incredible race juggling a crazy travel/work schedule and making it look easy out there:

Darlene Scilingo had an incredible race months after a broken wrist which had her doing 99% of her riding on a trainer!

Here's a shot of the husband-wife team:

Scott and Mike also raced the IMMT 70.3 in June…the most memorable finish I can remember as they ran the half marathon side-by-side and finished together…totally unplanned!

Kurt LaForest entered a few relays after battling injuries this year, but he was able to finish the season with an Olympic Triathlon and will be gearing up for the epic Roth Challenge in 2019!

Gordon Lewis also battled some injuries this year as well, but with his talent he was still able to post a few wins this year as well as some 2nd place finishes.

Shayne Lewis and I travelled up to race the HITS Hudson Valley half Ironman where he placed 4th male overall winning his age group!  He finished his season with a PR race in IMAC 70.3.

Jackie Lott started her season with the Williamsburg Olympic Triathlon in July and ended with a great race at the IMAC 70.3 Aquabike battling cold rain the whole way!

Maureen Lundquist entered the Aquabike at the Mussleman Half Ironman due to a knee injury and then trained to get ready for Ironman Chattanooga which she just completed…being her first Ironman, and a cancelled swim portion, Maureen swam 2.4 miles in the pool the morning of the race, so she could officially call herself an Ironman!

Ernest Martinez also raced IM Chattanooga and posted a PR bike and a great race overall!  Here's a picture of the two of them before the race:

Barbara McCoy has been working on her goal of racing a tri in all 50 states to raise money for a cause dear to her heart, LLS.  She raced the Nashville Olympic in July to prep for a sweltering 94-degree day in the Augusta 70.3 in September and did a fantastic job!

Diego Valencia came to me in February to train for what would be his FIRST triathlon, Ironman Lake Placid!  After training at our team camp up in lake placid he had a taste of how hard a course lake Placid was, but he was up for the challenge and now he can call himself an Ironman!

Rebecca Reilly is new to the group and is quite a talent, placing 2nd in her age group at Tobay and the Mighty Hamptons, her first Olympic distance.  Next year will be her first 70.3!

Jeffrey Reynolds had quite a season with PR races and is still going!  He’ll race Steamtown Marathon this weekend…After his amazing race in Eagleman he did several local events, including Town of Huntington, Tobay and the IFE World Championships of course!

Kristin Ryan had one of those seasons where everything seems to go wrong, including a crash in NYC triathlon (she was involved in a pile up) …she managed to finish anyway, and I know she will be back next season!

Mike Scanlon also had one of those seasons but he’s a competitor and he will be back!  It was fun having him at the IFE World Championships!

Dale Sumner, Darlene’s mom, had an incredible race at her first 70.3, IMAC 70.3.  despite the cold rain and tough swim, she finished that race in amazing fashion!

Hilary Topper had a year filled with tragedy and challenges…her race at Mighty Hamptons was no different with very choppy waters, a fall off her bike and a strong wind, but just like with the other challenges this year Hilary forged ahead and didn’t give up.  I was proud to be there as she finished this tough race!  She’s already working hard for 2019!  Here's a picture from that race as well as from her incredible performance at the Fire Island Open Water Swim...another day filled with challenges that she overcame!

Rafael Tovar also had a year with challenges, but he was able to have a fantastic race at the Greenwich Sprint tri and the IFE World Championships! 

Tania Wickes-Zuzzolo came to me after qualifying for Worlds in Duathlon…her goal this year was nationals in Triathlon.  She did not have a swim background but now she can call herself a triathlete with a fantastic finish at Nationals and an incredible race at Mighty Hamptons finishing 1st in her age group and 4th overall!

I can’t believe how fast another season went by and I want to thank ALL my athletes for making it such a great one!!!

Happy Training and racing 😊




Here We Go Again...

Posted On: June 17, 2018

I am amazed at what triathlon has become.  I started the sport in 1998 and did my first Ironman in 2001.  There was a group of triathletes on long island racing Ironman back then, but it was still a relatively unknown sport.  People would ask what a triathlon was, and many didn’t even know what Ironman entailed!  Fast forward to 2018 and triathlon has become a mainstream sport!  Back in 2002 we had 11 athletes from long island heading to compete at the World Championship in Kona, HI.  There are still athletes of that caliber in the sport here on Long Island, but it has morphed to a sport that “normal” people could do too!  I am constantly amazed at the commitment and hard work that “regular” people put into their training…  I’m talking about those people who weren’t necessarily “athletes” before.  Those who didn’t train and race for most of their lives like I have.  Those who will never place in their age groups, but still seek to challenge themselves.  I have come to find these people to be more impressive than someone like myself, who came into the sport as a collegiate athlete and had success right away.  It’s amazing to see the different athletes coming across the finish line at triathlons from sprint to Ironman.  It’s inspiring the way these people regularly challenge themselves.  Everyone has their own reason for doing triathlon and the group of athletes  that I coach is a perfect example of that.  I certainly have stud age groupers in the mix, but I coach a wide variety of athletes and the diversity of the athletes really keeps me on my toes and keeps the coaching so interesting and challenging! 

In 2016 I entered the Ironman world again after deciding to end my Pro career.  After a 6-year hiatus I decided to race IMFL to qualify for Kona.  I did it, winning my age group.  Then 2017 came and I found myself cancelling my ticket to Kona due to a year plagued by injury.  Now it’s 2018…a new year and I am back!  Training hard for Ironman Maryland in the quest for yet another Kona slot.  I’ve never NOT won my age group to get a slot to the big show and that pressure and expectation is always in the back of my mind.  Winning my age group and going to Kona…that’s what fuels me.  What fuels you?

The training this year has been so much fun.  Not only do I have an incredible group of athletes out there motivating me and each other, but I have old friends to train with.  Nadine Pat, as everyone knows, is an incredible athlete and we have been competing in this sport since our 20’s!  Training with her and coaching her has been a gift for me.  We will be racing together for the first time (other than in Kona twice before).  An accident that Nadine sustained in Quassy ended her quest for Ironman lake placid.  We discussed it and decided that Ironman Maryland made the most sense.  So, we are both racing IMMD and we are both looking to get one of 2 slots to get back to Kona in our age group!  Nadine has come a long way over the years and is no doubt as strong has she has ever been, and it has been a true pleasure to coach her.  To watch how far she has come has been a real treat for me. 

So, this brings me back to my prior stated goal:  continue my streak of winning my age group to qualify for Kona.  I am in the unique position of coaching an old friend to compete with me, against me, in the quest for a slot to the big show.  What does a coach do?  I'll tell you what I plan to do:  I will coach Nadine to beat me in Ironman Maryland.  I will train hard as well, by her side and do what I have been doing for 21 years...race Ironman like I know how to.  We will race together that day, each giving it our all and if I win?  Well then, my streak of winning my age group remains...if Nadine wins?  Well, my streak ends, but I win too!  Will there be other strong women out there competing for those 2 slots as well?  Sure, but Im putting my money on Nadine and myself.  Ironman will be a special day for both of us this year for sure. 

Bob Spina is another stud athlete who decided to come back to Ironman this year and he has brought his fantastic energy and positive vibes to many of the IFE training sessions!  Bob races for Jose Lopez and LITC but comes to some of our workouts.  We have a history of training together and racing Kona together.  The man is an incredible athlete, a true talent and has a gift of motivation like I have never seen before.  We all feel lucky to have him when he can join us, and it makes this year even more special.

I also have Mike Monastero of Babylon Bike Shop to thank.  Mike has been a friend for the past 15 years and he was also my coach.  I raced my fastest races with Mike:  2nd place at the World Championships in my 20’s, my PR race in Austria where I raced in the 9:30’s, something I never thought I would do and countless other races. He is always someone that I can bounce things off of and he always goes out of his way to help me.  I recently felt like I was going too slow for the wattage I was putting out.  I told Mike and we did a short ride together where he was able to see my position on the bike.  A few days later he asked me to come in to the shop so he could change a few things that he thought could help me and of course it did.  I ended up going 1.5-2 mph faster at the same wattage with his changes!  I send all my athletes to Mike because he is just SO good at what he does!

Iron Fit Endurance has had an incredible spring so far!  We have some big races to come but here are some great shots and results so far:

Nadine at the 50K   

ABOVE:  Nadine at the 50K and Gordon 1st place Age Group at Carl Hart Duathlon and undefeated so for this season

Dean Boston Marathon  

ABOVE:  Dean Bruno during a very tough Boston marathon and Barbara McCoy at Quassy checking off another state in her quest for a tri in every state!


ABOVE:  Laura Giardino finishing another run at the top of her AG and Erin Miller in her first tri of the season down in Maryland


ABOVE:  Mike Scanlon on his way to a strong Tri By The Bay and Kristin Ryan who won her division!


ABOVE:  Jeffrey Reynolds putting out a PR performance at Eagleman 70.3!


Yup, that's Jose Hernandez!  Local hero and fan favorite on his way to a stellar Quassy!


Scott Janicola (A.K.A. OCDAR) CRUSHING it at Quassy 70.3 on his way to a 6th place finish in his AG and Mike "TOOLBOX" Mancini and his dog Bella at the finish of a smoking fast Quassy Olympic!


Nadine, after crushing the swim at doubt she would have been on the podium, but a bike crash ended her day...

Also, Sal and Darlene Scilingo!  Both are training for IMMT.  Sal just finished Quassy 70.3 in fantastic fashion and Darlene, who suffered a broken wrist the week prior was there to support.  Darlene has been working SO hard on her trainer, running and swimming with her water proof cast!  Just amazing!


ABOVE:  A family affair:  Sal, Joann (Sal's sister) and Dale (Darlene's mom and Sal's mother-in-law).  These two will be competing in Ironman Atlantic City 70.3!  They both did the swim and Dale went on to attempt the very challenging bike course at Quassy as well!  They are hard working, inspiring ladies!  Also, me on my way to a 2nd place Quassy Olympic.


ABOVE:  Dean and Joanne his super supportive girlfriend and great athlete in her own right, coming across the line at Quassy 70.3.  Next up:  a fantastic finish for Dean in IMLP!


Gordon in yet another win at the North Fork Tri and Tania Wickes on her way to a 5th overall and 1st AG finish at the Mighty Montauk!


Katelyn Hughes at the finish of her first half ironman in Quassy!  Oh, and she just had a hip replacement 17 months ago!!  She will be competing in IMMT this summer!  Also Maureen Lundquist coming across the line at Quassy Olympic with her two boys.  Maureen will be doing Ironman Chattanooga this fall!

Also, Leah Jantzen at Quassy 70.3.  Leah had a crash and a mechanical on the bike, but being a competitor decided to not give up finishing with a fast run!  

Congratulations to everyone!!  

Happy Training and racing!




IFE: Reflecting on 2017 and Looking to 2018

Posted On: February 10, 2018

As I was deciding on what to write for my first blog of 2018 I found myself reflecting on how amazing 2017 was for my group of Iron Fit Endurance athletes.  Sure, I was injured, had to back out of Kona, but my athletes and a fantastic season and I had a blast coaching them, training with them and cheering them on!  I was recently asked about the first time I qualified for Kona, How I felt about that.  My respsonse was that I didn't fully appreciate it at the time.  I was 24, it was my first Ironman and I went in expecting to qualify.  This sounds crazy to me now!  Qualifying for the big show is something that is special, very difficult and should always be respected and appreciated!  Back then I had no idea.  That question had me reflecting on my many years in the sport (entering #21!)...  I've had some incredible races and fierce competitions like the time I passed the 2nd place girl in my age group in Kona right before the line on Alii Drive...I finished thinking I placed first!  I thought I was World Champion in my age group...only to find out I was 2nd, 4th amateur overall.  I crack up now, thinking of how I crossed the line with no idea that the actual first place girl beat me by 20 minutes!  Then there was the competition in Ironman Florida 2004 when I raced the entire marathon for the first place spot.  I was running so hard to be sure I was still in first (with my competitor not far behind) that I crossed the line, arms up in the air and tripped falling flat on my face!   Great memories that make me laugh... 

What I realize now is that the time goals, while super important to have and to aspire for in your racing, are not what I remember!  Same with the a competitor you race for first, or to qualify and that's important of course, but the memories and the people are truly what I remember when I reflect back years later...

So, with that in mind, I decided to reflect back to the people, the fun times, group workouts and comraderie that Iron Fit Endurance expressed this past season!

The Lake Placid Training Camp!

IFE Team Race:  Rev 3 Williamsburg!




More Races!






Ironman Lake Placid:  One of my oldest Triathlon Friends, Nadine Pat raced in Iron Fit Endurance colors this year!  After 15 years of training and racing together this was such a sweet surprise!  It has been a thrill to coach and train with Nadine!


The IFE World Championships!


Fall Racing and Training!




That's just a sample of what 2017 was was incredible!!!

I want to thank EVERYONE that I coach for an incredible season!  I am SO fortunate to have such a wonderful group and I can't wait for the 2018 season to start!!!

Happy Training and racing!
